Introducing Kimsoun

Last year I was brought to Wat Svay High School, in the southern part of Siem Reap, to look at some of the work that was being done by sponsors of Cambodian students. While there I took a photo of a group of students waiting out the front of a classroom. They were about 150 metres away from me. One of the girls spotted me taking the photo and grinned and 'peaced out' in the photo.  As I left the school, that same girl came running up to me and called out, "Thank you for coming to my school, I hope you can come again." Now, I am a firm believer in helping those that try to help themselves. And that you don't get anything if you don't either ask or demonstrate a willingness to go the extra years. 

So, with the the help of my friend Vo Neat we went to Wat Svay High School today to see if we could find this girl. We spoke to a teacher who recognised her immediately. her name is 'Kimsoun'.  Neat said that maybe she had finished school as the classroom they were waiting in front of was a Year 12 classroom. The teacher confirmed this, but found her cousin to speak to us, Sreymom. Sreymom is in Year 12 now and gave us Kimsoun's phone number.

However, Cambodia is a never-ending trial of ups and downs.  Kimsoun's phone is not taking calls and Sreymom told Neat that they were partying at the school for end of Year 12 celebrations, so she probably would not be reachable either (this happened as Neat rang Kimsoun immediately and the call didn't work so we tried calling Sreymom back). 

I leave Siem Reap tomorrow.  I know that Kimsound is in a good job teaching english to small kids. I know a bit of her family, but cannot find her. This is a mission and Kimsoun is going to be the beneficiary when we reach our goal...that is to get in touch wit hKimsound and see how we can, if she would like, help her to further her education.  That is the aim. 


Karyn Taylor