Dalin's Story

More than school

Dalin graduated from high school and is now at university studying Public Administration. We are providing Dalin with a living allowance and covering semester costs of US$600.00 (AU$985.00) a semester.

The living allowance of US$450/month (AU$740/month) covers monthly food expenses, gasoline, room rent, water, electricity, internet, Chinese & English tuition, and some spending ($US50).

It also provides US$70 a month for Dalin’s mum, who damaged her eye in a work accident and can no longer work in the shoe factory that she was working in. Mum needs a monthly supply of medicine for her eye care, hospital visits, and support for herself and Dalin’s grand parents who live in the rented home they have in Kampong Speu.

We provided Dalin with the laptop picture here. However it needs to be replaced as the keyboard is broken. Dalin’s motorbike is in a contestant state of disrepair and also needs replacing.

We are committed to supporting Dalin through her university studies and becoming another MaDE success story.

Karyn Taylor