Koksampouer Primary School

In May 2015 We set off for four days to work with our team in Siem Reap to help fund the purchase, delivery and distribution of student and teaching resources for Koksampouer Primary School in Oddar Meanchey province, in the north of Cambodia.

The purchase of the resources and bagging up for distribution created a long day, followed with a 12hr day to Koksampouer Primary School.

This project was our first in Cambodia. With the help of our team in Siem Reap we were able to provided the students of Koksampouer with new uniforms, pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, rulers, exercise books, protractors, soap, footballs, volley balls, a volley ball net, teaching resources for the teachers (maps, posters, diaries, markers, staplers, etc…). Each student received lunch, treats, lessons in Hygiene, Greeting (Sampeah) and teamwork exercises, all provided by the 36 students that came with us from PUC University, Siem Reap, and a number of small NGO representatives that accompanied us on this project.

Approximately 240 students benefited from this project which was funded by people from all over the place. This project developed into another funding project and has continued to benefit students in Cambodia who are in need of financial and educational resourced provisions.

One group of students with some of the team for the project, with their schooling benefits.

One group of students with some of the team for the project, with their schooling benefits.